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Prodotti di Sicurezza, Intelligence, ICT, Equipment, Military, Medical
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TMPSYS-Crypto Secure Network


Main concerns


  • How can a device know the IP address of another device?
  • How can a device know whether a full data path exists to and from another device?
  • How can a device trust that all exchanged data is delivered to the other end?
  • How can a device know that the IP addresses will not change? What will be the impact on the communication if they do?


  • How can a party be sure about the other party's identity?
  • How can the parties trust the network intermediate elements which transport the communication data? How can they be sure that data is not filtered or altered or replaced?
  • The communication can be secured and take place if the two (or more) parties share a common secret (or if they are able to create a new one), but how can they be sure that such secret is known to them only? How can they agree on the secret to use without disclosing it?

Main features

Network size                10k-20k users
Protocol                      TCP/UDP
Communications        Up to 16 secure channels per user
Messaging                  IP-based
Store & Forward
Security                       Higher
Secure token               Proprietary
Customization             Yes


Client-Server architecture: client elements connect and authenticate with a server

  • Client to Server
  • Server to Server

Clustered architecture: clients are handled by multiple coordinated servers

  • Performances
  • Redundance

Pipe-based communication: clients exchange communication data within pipes

  • Multiple pipes per client
  • Data-agnostic server

Pass-through data routing: pipes traverse servers in order to support private networks

  • NAT, firewalls, ...

Multi-protocol support: TCP/UDP






Network components

Cluster Manager [1]
Network core, authenticates the other components and validates all communications

Satellite Server [1 → N]
Manages client requests, routes pipe data

Client [N]
End-user's equipment, able to establish communications with other clients

Store & Forward [1]
Manages the storage of all pipe data sent to offline receivers, and subsequent deliveries when they connect

Admin Client [1]
Manages Hardware Identities and updates clients Remotely


KMS – Key Management System


MSE management

  • Provisioning: MSE keys injection, policies, application settings, …
  • Add/modify/remove

User management

  • Personal information, phone number, MSE devices
  • Add/modify/remove

Group management

  • Add/modify/remove

Group Keys management

  • Generation/Renewal
  • Expiration

Local/remote distribution

  • Key update, policy update, zeroize, ...


  • Operation logs


KMS – Main features


Remote Communication Key updates           Yes
Remote zeroize                                              Yes
Users                                                               Up to 10k-20k
MSE/user decoupling                                     Yes
Remote policy updates                                  Yes
Contacts updates                                          Yes
Operators                                                       Multiple
Auditing                                                         Yes

KMS – Simple scenario (A)





KMS – Simple scenario (B)

xSE – Secure Environment
xSE main features
HW crypto engine
Integrated memory
Internal keys database
No drivers
Strong authentication
Standard & custom security functions

USE – USB Secure Environment

MSE – Micro-SD Secure Environment


MSE – Micro-SD Secure Environment

Common xSE features
SD card interface (up to 5 Mb/s)
Standard and custom
Designed for Mobile
Voice processing
Low Power mode
Integration ready

MSE – General architecture



MSE – Hardware architecture

Micro Controller

  • 160 MHz - floating point unit
  • FLASH 1 MB
  • RAM 192 KB
  • Dynamic power scaling


  • a complete range of communication functions

SD Controller

  • compatible with mobile and computer OS

NAND Flash Memory

  • 2 GB

MSE – Virtual file (file I/O) approach

The Virtual File is an intercommunication
channel between the Host and the SD
It is open in Pass Through Mode:

  • No OS Buffering
  • No OS Caching


MSE – Security functions

Native Security Functions

  • AES256 8Mb/s internal speed
    • AES modes ECB - CBC - OFB
    • up to 32 parallel sessions
  • Asymmetrical functions
    • Public Key RSA 2048 – 4096 FIPS 186-3SP800-56B
    • X.509 certificates (based on AES 256)
    • Public and private key generation
    • Diffie Hellman
    • Elliptic Curves up to 571 Koblitz
  • Authentication Functions
  • Internal physical RNG FIPS 140-2
  • Custom algorithms on demand

MSE – Communication functions

Full set of communication functions to ease integration

  • Vocoders
    • 4.8 Kbps optimized for mobile
    • G729 - 8Kbps
  • Native implemented communication protocols for
    • comm parameters negotiation
    • encryption key negotiation
    • transport voice & data protocol for IP channels







MSE – Customization

Customization can be achieved by injecting proprietary algorithms that the customer can develop (compile, inject and test) independently from the OEM.

The MSE is designed to be customized by the customer through its own private algorithms.




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