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Video 1 title

This is an example of a Vimeo video, just edit the change the video link, edit the title and this description and if you like, you can also link the continue button to a web page....

Video 2 title

This is an example of a Vimeo video, just edit the change the video link, edit the title and this description and if you like, you can also link the continue button to a web page....

Video 3 title

This is an example of a Vimeo video, just edit the change the video link, edit the title and this description and if you like, you can also link the continue button to a web page....

Video 4 title

This is an example of a Vimeo video, just edit the change the video link, edit the title and this description and if you like, you can also link the continue button to a web page....

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Occhiali intelligenti per telemedicina

Offre ai primi soccorritori e ai medici in prima linea l'accesso agli specialisti in tempo reale.

Consolle operativa per sale controllo

Offriamo arredamento tecnico su misura, con un design completo, costruzione e messa in opera.

Sicurezza dei porti

Soluzione integrata che prevede il controllo dei container, delle persone e dei mezzi

Protezione delle navi

Antenne satellitari automatiche per veicoli e navi, veicoli aerei di sorveglianza senza equipaggio

Broadcast Video

IP TV, Information & Communication Technology

Sistemi di radiolocalizzazione

per case di cura e penitenziari

Videowall e sistemi MPDP

per centri commerciali e sale controllo

Display a LED a colori

Prodotti di visualizzazione a LED di qualità alta con i migliori prezzi e servizi

image1 image2 image3 image4 image4
Prodotti di Sicurezza, Intelligence, ICT, Equipment, Military, Medical
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TMPSYS Portable Detector – Analyser Explosives & Radioactivity


Fast and reliable detection and identification of smallest traces of explosives together with all radioactive materials


  • Ultra-fast 1-second detection
  • Advanced Infra-Red Sampling with instant read-out detects all (incl. non-volatile) explosives in Vapour Mode in the real time
  • Analytical Particulate Mode with detailed identification
  • Simultaneous explosives and radiological detection quickly finds dirty bombs or any other radioactive contraband
  • The highest resistance agains cross-talking chemicals and overload
  • The best false alarm rate


  • Rapid hand-held detection, identification and location of contraband explosives potentially combined with radioactive materials
  • Easy checking of passengers and baggage with the highest through-put available
  • Easy integration with other security technologies (X-Ray scanners, bomb-squad robots)
  • Selective identification of post-explosure or gun shot residues
  • Fast checking of passengers scanning their boarding passes (one second for one scan)






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Sito instituzionale: www.tempestinisystems.com
