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Occhiali intelligenti per telemedicina

Offre ai primi soccorritori e ai medici in prima linea l'accesso agli specialisti in tempo reale.

Consolle operativa per sale controllo

Offriamo arredamento tecnico su misura, con un design completo, costruzione e messa in opera.

Sicurezza dei porti

Soluzione integrata che prevede il controllo dei container, delle persone e dei mezzi

Protezione delle navi

Antenne satellitari automatiche per veicoli e navi, veicoli aerei di sorveglianza senza equipaggio

Broadcast Video

IP TV, Information & Communication Technology

Sistemi di radiolocalizzazione

per case di cura e penitenziari

Videowall e sistemi MPDP

per centri commerciali e sale controllo

Display a LED a colori

Prodotti di visualizzazione a LED di qualità alta con i migliori prezzi e servizi

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Prodotti di Sicurezza, Intelligence, ICT, Equipment, Military, Medical
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Water-text - Through-Water and Through-Ground Radio Modem


Water-Text is the world’s first commercial through water and through-ground radio communication system, designed to interface with sensors and control units.
Water-Text can be readily tailored to numerous applications including: through water and through ground data transmission, underwater networking, AUV homing, underwater to UAV communications, test tank instrumentation and diver communications.

Delivering reliable communications under water is a challenge. We understand the challenges that operators face when designing and specifying systems for an operational scenario. The leading edge technology provides substantial operational and cost-effective solutions to the Defence & Homeland Security community.


Key Features & Benefits

A differenza dei sistemi acustici, la nostra tecnologia radio non è influenzata da rumore acustico, torbidità, fango o ghiaccio e può operare in acque poco profonde, nonché in ambienti congestionati, quali porti, estuari e corsi d’acqua. Inoltre il Water-Text funziona senza interferire con i sensori acustici o sonar e può essere utilizzato senza gli effetti negativi per la vita acquatica che spesso sono attribuiti alla tecnologia acustica.


Cross Water / Air Interface

Underwater communications from a variety of platforms, e.g. submarines, AUVs, remote sensors and instruments. Enables seamless contact with assets on and above the surface.

Water-Text can also be used to set up underwater communication networks, of particular use in littoral or harbour waters. Line of sight is not required and the signal will pass through sea walls.



Communicates Through Ground

Water-Text will pass through concrete, rock, mud, earth and into the air to provide secure communications.
Applications include emergency communications in underground and public transport networks, extending Network Extended Capability into underground sensors.



Submarine NEC

Sub Diver Communications

Covert Operations


Multiple Communications


AUV Communications


Wireless AUV Test Tank

Additional Features

  • Transceiver
  • Immunity to thermal layers
  • Fast propagation
  • Can be connected in a network
  • GSM option



  • Two way communications
  • Can be interfaced to text entry terminal for comms link
  • High tolerance of water conditions
  • Reduction in Doppler shift
  • Extended coverage
  • Global access


Technical Specifications



  • Data rate = 100 bits/sec half duplex
  • Multiplexing – multiple units uniquely addressable
  • Modems can be connected in a network


  • Loop
  • Options available for extended range


  • RS 232 data interface

Physical (typical)

  • Housing—application specific

Power Requirements

  • 18-28V external power or battery pack to specific application
  • 4W receiving / 16W transmitting / 5mW Sleep


  • 50m housing
    • 3000m available on request
  • Temp. operating -10 to + 35ºC

Diagram of Water-Text modem, set up to transmit from water to shore. The modem can be easily integrated with third party systems, in this example connecting to a laptop, GSM modem and Sensor.





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Sito instituzionale: www.tempestinisystems.com
