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Video 1 title

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This is an example of a Vimeo video, just edit the change the video link, edit the title and this description and if you like, you can also link the continue button to a web page....

Video 3 title

This is an example of a Vimeo video, just edit the change the video link, edit the title and this description and if you like, you can also link the continue button to a web page....

Video 4 title

This is an example of a Vimeo video, just edit the change the video link, edit the title and this description and if you like, you can also link the continue button to a web page....

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Occhiali intelligenti per telemedicina

Offre ai primi soccorritori e ai medici in prima linea l'accesso agli specialisti in tempo reale.

Consolle operativa per sale controllo

Offriamo arredamento tecnico su misura, con un design completo, costruzione e messa in opera.

Sicurezza dei porti

Soluzione integrata che prevede il controllo dei container, delle persone e dei mezzi

Protezione delle navi

Antenne satellitari automatiche per veicoli e navi, veicoli aerei di sorveglianza senza equipaggio

Broadcast Video

IP TV, Information & Communication Technology

Sistemi di radiolocalizzazione

per case di cura e penitenziari

Videowall e sistemi MPDP

per centri commerciali e sale controllo

Display a LED a colori

Prodotti di visualizzazione a LED di qualità alta con i migliori prezzi e servizi

image1 image2 image3 image4 image4
Prodotti di Sicurezza, Intelligence, ICT, Equipment, Military, Medical
get in touch




Ground Radar TMP-HP100M


Man portable surveillance frequency modulated radar.

This ground radar is designed to automatically detect moving ground targets, to identify them and determine their co-ordinates at any time of year and at absence of optical visibility (presence of fog, dust, smoke, etc.).
It can be used to protect sensitive sites (nuclear power stations, airports, warehouses), borders, pipelines, etc.

The ETHERNET interface built-in the radar unit several radars to be connected in a network and be controlled in a network and be controlled by one standard PC.
A GPS can be built-in the radar unit in order to precisely determine self-location.



  • Ground surveillance
  • Borders guard
  • Guard of important sites
  • Interfacing with weapons



  • Detection range
  • Automatic detection of targets
  • Automatic tracking of one or more targets
  • Light, easy portable
  • Low transmission power
  • Low consumption
  • Quick and easy deployment
  • User friendly operation
  • Precise determination of targets location
  • Audio-channel for target classification
  • Camera for better target classification and identification





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Sito instituzionale: www.tempestinisystems.com
