Controllo Pacchi

Radiogeni per bombe, armi e oggetti di contrabbando

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Consolle operativa per sale controllo

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Sicurezza dei porti

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Protezione delle navi

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Prodotti di visualizzazione a LED di qualità alta con i migliori prezzi e servizi

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Prodotti di Sicurezza, Intelligence, ICT, Equipment, Military, Medical
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Controllo Pacchi



IED Training Kits


Platoon Level (Functional) IED Training Kit

Platoon Level (Functional) IED Training Kit  - INERT PRODUCTS, LLC.



Inert, X-Ray Screening & Testing Kit #1

Inert, X-Ray Screening & Testing Kit #1


Combat Engineer Training Kit #1 - With PELICAN Case (OTA-KIT24)

Combat Engineers Demo Training Kit #1


Inert, Combat Engineers Training Kit # 2 (OTA-KIT102)

Inert, Combat Engineers Training Kit # 2


Inert, M68 Claymore Mine Practice Kit (OTA-M68K)


Afghan IED Training Kit # 2 (OTA-JTKA2)


Military Ordnance Training Kit # 1 (OTA-KIT98)

Military Ordnance Training Kit # 1


Inert Replica Ordnance Training Kit # 2 (OTA-KIT99)


IED Threat Recognition & AwarenessTactical Trainer Kit (OTA-TAK2)


Inert, Replica RPG7 Launcher Kit (OTA-RPGKIT NSN:6910-01-6089594)


Inert, Replica Mortar Rounds Training Kit (OTA-KIT200)

Inert, Replica Mortar Rounds Training Kit


Inert, Landmine Training Kit - With STORM Case (OTA-KIT45)

Inert Landmine Training Kit # 1


Grenade Training Kit - With STORM Case (OTA-KIT66)

Grenade Training Kit - With STORM Case


Basic Ordnance Recognition Kit w /Crate (OTA-KIT101)

Basic Ordnance Training Kit - INERT


Demolitions and Boobytrap Firing Devices Training Kit (OTA-KIT103)

Demolitions and Boobytrap Firing Devices Training Kit


IEDD Training Lane Kit # 1 - Small (OTA-IEDD1)

IEDD Training Lane Kit # 1


IEDD Training Lane Kit # 2 - Medium (OTA-IEDD2)



IEDD Training Lane Kit #3 - Large (OTA-IEDD3)

IEDD Training Lane Kit # 3


Inert, Jihadi Bomb Builder Simulated IED Workshop Kit (OTA-JTK02)

Inert, Simulated Jihadist IED Workshop Kit - Bomb Builder Workshop Kit


Weapons Cache Training Kit (OTA-KIT239)

Soviet Weapons Cache Training Kit


Inert, Commercial Explosives Training Kit (OTA-918)

Commercial Explosives Visual Training Kit


Inert, Military Explosives Training Kit (OTA-919)

Inert Military Explosives Visual Training Kit


Inert Explosives Training Kit # 1 (OTA-900)

Inert Explosives Training Kit # 1


Inert Explosives Training Kit # 2 (OTA-901)

Inert Explosives Training Assortment # 2


Inert Explosives Training Kit # 3 (OTA-902)

Inert Explosives Training Kit # 3


Inert Explosives Training Kit # 4 (OTA-10911)

Inert Explosives Training Kit # 4


Inert Explosives Training Kit - Small (OTA-899)



Basic INERT Explosives Training Kit with STORM CASE (OTA-01TKB)

Inert Explosives Training Kit (BASIC)


Inert, Reaplica 122mm Daisy Chain IED Training Kit (OTA-DC91)

122mm Daisy Chain IED Training Aids with Inert Det Cord



Inert, Replica 130MM Daisy Chain IED Training Kit (OTA-609D)

Inert, Replica 130MM Daisy Chain IED Training Kit


Inert, Replica 152MM Daisy Chain IED Training Kit (OTA-69DC)

Inert, Replica 152MM Daisy Chain IED Training Kit


Inert, Replica 155MM Daisy Chain IED Training Kit (OTA-6094)

Inert, Replica 155MM Daisy Chain IED Training Kit


Inert, Replica 155MM M1A1, Daisy Chain IED Training Kit (OTA-6094A)

Inert, Replica 155MM M1A1, Daisy Chain IED Training Kit


Inert, Improvised PG-9 Rocket and Launcher Kit (OTA-PG9L NSN:6910-01-5925463 )

Improvised PG-9 Rocket Launcher Kit


Inert, 107mm Improvised Rocket Launcher Kit (OTA-MM107KIT)

107mm Improvised Rocket Launcher Kit


Inert, Replica Rockets Training Kit # 1 (OTA-RK01)

Inert Replica Rockets Training Kit


Inert, Replica Rockets Training Kit # 2 (OTA-RK02)

Replica Rockets Training Kit # 2


Inert IED Training Kit # 1 (OTA-10992)

Inert IED Training Kit # 1


Inert IED Training Kit # 2 - with Pelican case (OTA-10993)

Inert IED Training Kit # 2


Inert, IED Trainer Kit - With Pelican Case (OTA-KIT94)

IED Trainer Kit with STORM case


Inert, Jihadi IED Training Kit # 1 (OTA-JTK)

Jihadi IED Training Kit


Inert, Jihadi / Afghan IED Training Kit (OTA-JTK01)

Inert, Jihadi IED Training Kit # 2


Under Vehicle IED Training Kit # 1 (UVI Training Kit) (OTA-5001)



Under Vehicle IED Training Kit # 1 (UVI Training Kit) With PELICAN Cases (OTA-UVTK1)

UVI Training Kit with PELICAN Cases


Inert, VBIED Training Kit # 1- Simulated 495 pound Ammoium Nitrate VBIED (OTA-903)

VBIED Training Kit # 1 - INERT


Inert, VBIED Training Kit # 2- Simulated Artillery Projectiles VBIED (OTA-904)

Simulated VBIED Training Kit # 2



155MM Fuze Setting Kit, Practice (OTA-PZ03)

155mm Fuze Setting Kit, Practice


Custom Kit - Blue Practice Training Aids (OTA-KITBLU)

Inert Blue Practice Ordnance, Military Training Aids


IED Firing Devices Training Set (OTA-215)

IED Firing Devices Training Set


Visual Recognition Training Kit - Inert Samples of Explosives (OTA-VT1)

Visual Examples of Explosives - INERT for Training


Improvised Switches Assortment (OTA-250)

Improvised Switches Assortment


OPFOR Training Kit - Male (OTA-OFKIT01)



OPFOR Training Kit - Female (OTA-OFKIT02)



OPFOR Training Kit - Insurgent (OTA-OFKIT03)

OPFOR Training Kit - Insurgent


OPFOR Training Kit - Sniper (OTA-OFKIT05)

OPFOR Training Kit - Sniper


OPFOR Training Kit - Suicide Bomber (OTA-OFKIT04)

OPFOR Training Kit - Suicide Bomber


OPFOR Training Kit - Afghan Male (OTA-OP41)

OPFOR Training Kit - Afghan Male


OPFOR Training Kit - Afghan Male Insurgent with AK-47 (OTA-OP42)

OPFOR Training Kit - Afghan Male Insurgent with AK-47


OPFOR Training Kit - Afghan Male Sniper with Dragunov (OTA-OP43)

OPFOR Training Kit - Afghan Male Sniper with Dragunov


OPFOR Training Kit - Afghan Male Insurgent with RPG-7 (OTA-OP44)

OPFOR Training Kit - Afghan Male Insurgent with RPG-7


Copper EFP Plates For Training Purposes (OTA-EFP1)


IED Awareness Training Poster Series - Complete Set - LAMINATED (OTA-1052S)



IED Training Poster Set (39) - Thai Language (OTA-THA1)

IED Training Poster Set - Thai Language


Inert, Foreign Grenade Training Kit - With Case (OTA-KIT227)






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